Dernière visite du Paquebot Queen Elisabeth 2 dans le port de Québec le 12-13 Octobre 2003. Last visit of the Queen Elisabeth 2 cruise ship in Québec Port on the 12 and 13 October 2003
Le Queen Elizabeth II dans le port de QuébecAgrandir cliquez sur image-To enlarge click on picture
Queen Elizabeth II in the wearing of Quebec Of the hundreds the curious ones can admire for last once since yesterday the steamer Queen Elizabeth II in the port of Québe It is the sixth stop over for the cruising ship, which is with its last round transatlantique. . Queen Elizabeth II crossed the ocean 776 times, carried out 20 cruisings around the world and make over five millions nautical milles. Built in 1969 at the cost of 70 million dollars, one invested there more than 675 million during years to keep it competitive. the ship will be replaced by Queen Mary II, more roomy and equipped with several services of luxury, and will be the largest Steamer in the world up to date.This ship will arrive in Québec Port on the 22 September leaving on the 23, Also coming Back on the 4 October leaving on the 6 Oct 2004.
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